This animation, created to introduce ASUS’s latest computer, uses 2D hand-drawn animated characters in a 3D space, making the computer‘s features more engaging.It features four characters from various professions: an entrepreneur, a fashion designer, a musician, and a financier. These diverse characters all find satisfaction through the Asus Zenbook DUO.這是一支為Zenbook DUO (2024) UX8406打造的軟體說明影片,可觸控的雙螢幕成為了我們的靈感,讓2D手繪動畫的角色穿梭在3D的空間中。大手手像是指揮家,使用了各種手勢與電腦螢幕裡的小人物互動,我們用這樣的方式讓手勢輕易的被理解也使整個電腦功能介紹更有趣。動畫中包含四個不同職業的角色,分別是企業家、時裝設計師、音樂家和金融家。這四個全然不同面向的角色代表著不同職業和需求,而華碩新出的 Zenbook DUO都可以滿足他們。
This animation, created to introduce ASUS’s latest computer, uses 2D hand-drawn animated characters in a 3D space, making the computer‘s features more engaging.It features four characters from various professions: an entrepreneur, a fashion designer, a musician, and a financier. These diverse characters all find satisfaction through the Asus Zenbook DUO.這是一支為Zenbook DUO (2024) UX8406打造的軟體說明影片,可觸控的雙螢幕成為了我們的靈感,讓2D手繪動畫的角色穿梭在3D的空間中。大手手像是指揮家,使用了各種手勢與電腦螢幕裡的小人物互動,我們用這樣的方式讓手勢輕易的被理解也使整個電腦功能介紹更有趣。動畫中包含四個不同職業的角色,分別是企業家、時裝設計師、音樂家和金融家。這四個全然不同面向的角色代表著不同職業和需求,而華碩新出的 Zenbook DUO都可以滿足他們。
This animation, created to introduce ASUS’s latest computer, uses 2D hand-drawn animated characters in a 3D space, making the computer‘s features more engaging.It features four characters from various professions: an entrepreneur, a fashion designer, a musician, and a financier. These diverse characters all find satisfaction through the Asus Zenbook DUO.這是一支為Zenbook DUO (2024) UX8406打造的軟體說明影片,可觸控的雙螢幕成為了我們的靈感,讓2D手繪動畫的角色穿梭在3D的空間中。大手手像是指揮家,使用了各種手勢與電腦螢幕裡的小人物互動,我們用這樣的方式讓手勢輕易的被理解也使整個電腦功能介紹更有趣。動畫中包含四個不同職業的角色,分別是企業家、時裝設計師、音樂家和金融家。這四個全然不同面向的角色代表著不同職業和需求,而華碩新出的 Zenbook DUO都可以滿足他們。
In the product video created for ASUS, we focus on using “hands” as the main element. We show the slim design of Zenbook 14 OLED through fun interactions between hands and laptops. Inspired by art installations such as tubes and metallic installations, and complemented by a spatial design featuring the Mollandi color palette, the video not only highlights the powerful performance of the product but also creates an elegant and refined texture for Zenbook 14 OLED.在這次為ASUS製作的產品廣告中,以「手」作為主要元素貫穿全片,藉由各種手和筆電的趣味互動來展現Zenbook 14 OLED的輕薄。並以燈管、金屬裝置等等藝術裝置作為靈感,加上莫藍迪色系的空間設計,在表現產品強大性能的同時也營造出Zenbook 14 OLED高雅不俗的質感。
In the product video created for ASUS, we focus on using “hands” as the main element. We show the slim design of Zenbook 14 OLED through fun interactions between hands and laptops. Inspired by art installations such as tubes and metallic installations, and complemented by a spatial design featuring the Mollandi color palette, the video not only highlights the powerful performance of the product but also creates an elegant and refined texture for Zenbook 14 OLED.在這次為ASUS製作的產品廣告中,以「手」作為主要元素貫穿全片,藉由各種手和筆電的趣味互動來展現Zenbook 14 OLED的輕薄。並以燈管、金屬裝置等等藝術裝置作為靈感,加上莫藍迪色系的空間設計,在表現產品強大性能的同時也營造出Zenbook 14 OLED高雅不俗的質感。
In the product video created for ASUS, we focus on using “hands” as the main element. We show the slim design of Zenbook 14 OLED through fun interactions between hands and laptops. Inspired by art installations such as tubes and metallic installations, and complemented by a spatial design featuring the Mollandi color palette, the video not only highlights the powerful performance of the product but also creates an elegant and refined texture for Zenbook 14 OLED.在這次為ASUS製作的產品廣告中,以「手」作為主要元素貫穿全片,藉由各種手和筆電的趣味互動來展現Zenbook 14 OLED的輕薄。並以燈管、金屬裝置等等藝術裝置作為靈感,加上莫藍迪色系的空間設計,在表現產品強大性能的同時也營造出Zenbook 14 OLED高雅不俗的質感。
Director Poyi’s thrilling first collaboration with ASUS ROG involves real contraptions that follow a metal ball through layers of obstacles, triggering a spectacular domino effect. The Rube Goldberg machine hints at the highlights of ASUS’s diagonal patterns, unveiling the mysterious veil of the latest Zephyrus.Poyi導演與ASUS ROG非常刺激的首次合作!片中的機關與骨牌皆為實際拍攝,跟著金屬球通過層層關卡觸發最終壯觀的骨牌,藉由斜線圖樣提示新機型的亮點,揭開最新2024 Zephyrus的神秘面紗。
Director Poyi’s thrilling first collaboration with ASUS ROG involves real contraptions that follow a metal ball through layers of obstacles, triggering a spectacular domino effect. The Rube Goldberg machine hints at the highlights of ASUS’s diagonal patterns, unveiling the mysterious veil of the latest Zephyrus.Poyi導演與ASUS ROG非常刺激的首次合作!片中的機關與骨牌皆為實際拍攝,跟著金屬球通過層層關卡觸發最終壯觀的骨牌,藉由斜線圖樣提示新機型的亮點,揭開最新2024 Zephyrus的神秘面紗。
Director Poyi’s thrilling first collaboration with ASUS ROG involves real contraptions that follow a metal ball through layers of obstacles, triggering a spectacular domino effect. The Rube Goldberg machine hints at the highlights of ASUS’s diagonal patterns, unveiling the mysterious veil of the latest Zephyrus.Poyi導演與ASUS ROG非常刺激的首次合作!片中的機關與骨牌皆為實際拍攝,跟著金屬球通過層層關卡觸發最終壯觀的骨牌,藉由斜線圖樣提示新機型的亮點,揭開最新2024 Zephyrus的神秘面紗。
Chu-Ai, the youngest daughter in the Chu family, works as a hair waxer with dreams of becoming a sex education influencer, adhering to the principle of only sex, no love. Can she confront the lingering emotional baggage from her past and finally embrace a romantic relationship?個性外向活潑的邱家⼩女兒,邱曖,在當除⽑師之餘,積極經營夢想的性知識社群頻道。秉持著只談性不談愛的原則,她有辦法拋開原⽣家庭包袱,認真展開⼀段戀愛關係嗎?👉👌❌🩷𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥|導演RemiiHuang #黃婕妤𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧|演員#柯震東 #詹子萱#夏宇喬 #馬志翔#林哲熹 #巫建和#苗可麗 #洪都拉斯𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | 製作#麻吉砥加電影 X #LUCKYSPARKS🍑🍆👅🩷💦#愛愛內含光@letstalkaboutchu 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 Only on Netflix📺🍿❄️
Chu-Ai, the youngest daughter in the Chu family, works as a hair waxer with dreams of becoming a sex education influencer, adhering to the principle of only sex, no love. Can she confront the lingering emotional baggage from her past and finally embrace a romantic relationship?個性外向活潑的邱家⼩女兒,邱曖,在當除⽑師之餘,積極經營夢想的性知識社群頻道。秉持著只談性不談愛的原則,她有辦法拋開原⽣家庭包袱,認真展開⼀段戀愛關係嗎?👉👌❌🩷𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥|導演RemiiHuang #黃婕妤𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧|演員#柯震東 #詹子萱#夏宇喬 #馬志翔#林哲熹 #巫建和#苗可麗 #洪都拉斯𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | 製作#麻吉砥加電影 X #LUCKYSPARKS🍑🍆👅🩷💦#愛愛內含光@letstalkaboutchu 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 Only on Netflix📺🍿❄️
Chu-Ai, the youngest daughter in the Chu family, works as a hair waxer with dreams of becoming a sex education influencer, adhering to the principle of only sex, no love. Can she confront the lingering emotional baggage from her past and finally embrace a romantic relationship?個性外向活潑的邱家⼩女兒,邱曖,在當除⽑師之餘,積極經營夢想的性知識社群頻道。秉持著只談性不談愛的原則,她有辦法拋開原⽣家庭包袱,認真展開⼀段戀愛關係嗎?👉👌❌🩷𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥|導演RemiiHuang #黃婕妤𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧|演員#柯震東 #詹子萱#夏宇喬 #馬志翔#林哲熹 #巫建和#苗可麗 #洪都拉斯𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | 製作#麻吉砥加電影 X #LUCKYSPARKS🍑🍆👅🩷💦#愛愛內含光@letstalkaboutchu 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 Only on Netflix📺🍿❄️
New Mageasy commercial series, co-directed by Director Gill and Director Chia-hua, captures confidence and self expression through dynamic camera movements.雙導演Gill X 佳樺為Mageasy拍攝最新i15系列配件廣告,透過動感流暢的鏡頭設計演繹在各情境中皆能解放雙手的自信態度。
New Mageasy commercial series, co-directed by Director Gill and Director Chia-hua, captures confidence and self expression through dynamic camera movements.雙導演Gill X 佳樺為Mageasy拍攝最新i15系列配件廣告,透過動感流暢的鏡頭設計演繹在各情境中皆能解放雙手的自信態度。
New Mageasy commercial series, co-directed by Director Gill and Director Chia-hua, captures confidence and self expression through dynamic camera movements.雙導演Gill X 佳樺為Mageasy拍攝最新i15系列配件廣告,透過動感流暢的鏡頭設計演繹在各情境中皆能解放雙手的自信態度。
This is Director Dekaf's first collaboration with Gogoro - featuring the design narrative behind the Gogoro and MUJI crossbranded scooter. Master designer, Naoto Fukasawa, personally fine-tuned the colors, embracing a subtle color palette that reflects the innate characteristics of the product. Through this collaboration, the sustainable values of both brands come to life, introducing an innovative solution for daily urban commutes.導演Dekaf與Gogoro的首次合作 - Gogoro和MUJI無印良品聯名車款的設計故事。由設計大師深澤直人親自調色,低調的色彩回歸產品本質。透過此次的合作實現兩個品牌共同的永續價值,為城市日常移動帶來新的解決方案。
This is Director Dekaf's first collaboration with Gogoro - featuring the design narrative behind the Gogoro and MUJI crossbranded scooter. Master designer, Naoto Fukasawa, personally fine-tuned the colors, embracing a subtle color palette that reflects the innate characteristics of the product. Through this collaboration, the sustainable values of both brands come to life, introducing an innovative solution for daily urban commutes.導演Dekaf與Gogoro的首次合作 - Gogoro和MUJI無印良品聯名車款的設計故事。由設計大師深澤直人親自調色,低調的色彩回歸產品本質。透過此次的合作實現兩個品牌共同的永續價值,為城市日常移動帶來新的解決方案。
We live in an increasingly digital reality that demands our full attention. It asks us to stay constantly connected, bombarding us with lies that fuel our anxiety as we slowly drift apart. The truth is, there's another reality to experience. In this reality, we can breathe in fresh, revitalizing air and be awestruck by breathtaking landscapes. In this reality, we can hug, cry, and physically share our experiences with one another. It's a profound reminder that life is a blessing and our existence on Earth is truly a miracle.Let's disconnect to reconnect. We can see the bigger picture together.現實生活中,我們全部的注意力已被各種數位資訊佔據。必須無時無刻保持上線的同時,謊言點燃焦慮滋長,使人們更為疏離。然而真相是,還有另一個現實世界等待著我們去體驗。在那個世界裡,我們能呼吸清新、滋養身心的空氣,驚嘆令人屏息的風景。在那個世界裡,我們能擁抱、哭泣,面對面分享彼此的經歷。這是一個深刻的提醒,生命是祝福,僅僅是我們的存在就是奇蹟。讓我們離線,從心上線,一起看見更大的風景。
We live in an increasingly digital reality that demands our full attention. It asks us to stay constantly connected, bombarding us with lies that fuel our anxiety as we slowly drift apart. The truth is, there's another reality to experience. In this reality, we can breathe in fresh, revitalizing air and be awestruck by breathtaking landscapes. In this reality, we can hug, cry, and physically share our experiences with one another. It's a profound reminder that life is a blessing and our existence on Earth is truly a miracle.Let's disconnect to reconnect. We can see the bigger picture together.現實生活中,我們全部的注意力已被各種數位資訊佔據。必須無時無刻保持上線的同時,謊言點燃焦慮滋長,使人們更為疏離。然而真相是,還有另一個現實世界等待著我們去體驗。在那個世界裡,我們能呼吸清新、滋養身心的空氣,驚嘆令人屏息的風景。在那個世界裡,我們能擁抱、哭泣,面對面分享彼此的經歷。這是一個深刻的提醒,生命是祝福,僅僅是我們的存在就是奇蹟。讓我們離線,從心上線,一起看見更大的風景。
We live in an increasingly digital reality that demands our full attention. It asks us to stay constantly connected, bombarding us with lies that fuel our anxiety as we slowly drift apart. The truth is, there's another reality to experience. In this reality, we can breathe in fresh, revitalizing air and be awestruck by breathtaking landscapes. In this reality, we can hug, cry, and physically share our experiences with one another. It's a profound reminder that life is a blessing and our existence on Earth is truly a miracle.Let's disconnect to reconnect. We can see the bigger picture together.現實生活中,我們全部的注意力已被各種數位資訊佔據。必須無時無刻保持上線的同時,謊言點燃焦慮滋長,使人們更為疏離。然而真相是,還有另一個現實世界等待著我們去體驗。在那個世界裡,我們能呼吸清新、滋養身心的空氣,驚嘆令人屏息的風景。在那個世界裡,我們能擁抱、哭泣,面對面分享彼此的經歷。這是一個深刻的提醒,生命是祝福,僅僅是我們的存在就是奇蹟。讓我們離線,從心上線,一起看見更大的風景。
Love manifests in various forms of expressions. The most profound love is to convey affection and blessings, even in eternal absence, to those cherished in our hearts. Remii Huang collaborates once again with JJ Lin, in the new song One Last Thing, bustling bus stations reflect the diverse landscapes of different characters' lives.愛是承受思念短暫別離、愛是叨叨絮絮一再叮嚀、愛是淚眼婆娑忘卻言語...。愛更是即便自己缺席,穿越一切,也要向牽掛的人傳達依戀與祝福。Remii再次與 @jjlin 林俊傑 JJ Lin 合作新歌《如果我還剩一件事情可以做》,透過熙來攘往的車站映照不同角色的人生風景。
Love manifests in various forms of expressions. The most profound love is to convey affection and blessings, even in eternal absence, to those cherished in our hearts. Remii Huang collaborates once again with JJ Lin, in the new song One Last Thing, bustling bus stations reflect the diverse landscapes of different characters' lives.愛是承受思念短暫別離、愛是叨叨絮絮一再叮嚀、愛是淚眼婆娑忘卻言語...。愛更是即便自己缺席,穿越一切,也要向牽掛的人傳達依戀與祝福。Remii再次與 @jjlin 林俊傑 JJ Lin 合作新歌《如果我還剩一件事情可以做》,透過熙來攘往的車站映照不同角色的人生風景。
Love manifests in various forms of expressions. The most profound love is to convey affection and blessings, even in eternal absence, to those cherished in our hearts. Remii Huang collaborates once again with JJ Lin, in the new song One Last Thing, bustling bus stations reflect the diverse landscapes of different characters' lives.愛是承受思念短暫別離、愛是叨叨絮絮一再叮嚀、愛是淚眼婆娑忘卻言語...。愛更是即便自己缺席,穿越一切,也要向牽掛的人傳達依戀與祝福。Remii再次與 @jjlin 林俊傑 JJ Lin 合作新歌《如果我還剩一件事情可以做》,透過熙來攘往的車站映照不同角色的人生風景。
Check out our new collaboration with director O-wave. It’s a funky experience full of energy with a stylish touch.LS和導演O-Wave 再度於ASUS宇宙相遇。拍攝出輕薄程度更上層樓的Zenbook S 13 OLED不僅功能性強大,同時擁有宛如精品的時尚感。
Check out our new collaboration with director O-wave. It’s a funky experience full of energy with a stylish touch.LS和導演O-Wave 再度於ASUS宇宙相遇。拍攝出輕薄程度更上層樓的Zenbook S 13 OLED不僅功能性強大,同時擁有宛如精品的時尚感。
Check out our new collaboration with director O-wave. It’s a funky experience full of energy with a stylish touch.LS和導演O-Wave 再度於ASUS宇宙相遇。拍攝出輕薄程度更上層樓的Zenbook S 13 OLED不僅功能性強大,同時擁有宛如精品的時尚感。
Hey peeps, did you know that we spend like a third of our lives snoozing? And if you're anything like me, half of that time is spent glued to your phone because of that pesky addiction. That's why you need the perfect mattress! Check out the new ad we made for Awake Living directed by Gill.#Iwanttomarrymybed#Landofooo#finnthehuman 「睡眠才是人類真正的活動形態,清醒的時候只是在收集做夢的素材。」—日本劇作家 寺山修司人有三分之一的時間是在床上度過,而網路成癮的小編,大概有一半的時間都躺在床上滑手機。所以床墊絕對要完美才行!來看看導演Gill為『覺醒家居』床墊所拍攝的新廣告。#好想跟床結婚#怎麼會有我這麼愛熬夜又愛睡覺的人
Hey peeps, did you know that we spend like a third of our lives snoozing? And if you're anything like me, half of that time is spent glued to your phone because of that pesky addiction. That's why you need the perfect mattress! Check out the new ad we made for Awake Living directed by Gill.#Iwanttomarrymybed#Landofooo#finnthehuman 「睡眠才是人類真正的活動形態,清醒的時候只是在收集做夢的素材。」—日本劇作家 寺山修司人有三分之一的時間是在床上度過,而網路成癮的小編,大概有一半的時間都躺在床上滑手機。所以床墊絕對要完美才行!來看看導演Gill為『覺醒家居』床墊所拍攝的新廣告。#好想跟床結婚#怎麼會有我這麼愛熬夜又愛睡覺的人
Hey peeps, did you know that we spend like a third of our lives snoozing? And if you're anything like me, half of that time is spent glued to your phone because of that pesky addiction. That's why you need the perfect mattress! Check out the new ad we made for Awake Living directed by Gill.#Iwanttomarrymybed#Landofooo#finnthehuman 「睡眠才是人類真正的活動形態,清醒的時候只是在收集做夢的素材。」—日本劇作家 寺山修司人有三分之一的時間是在床上度過,而網路成癮的小編,大概有一半的時間都躺在床上滑手機。所以床墊絕對要完美才行!來看看導演Gill為『覺醒家居』床墊所拍攝的新廣告。#好想跟床結婚#怎麼會有我這麼愛熬夜又愛睡覺的人
Check out the new music video we collaborated on with director Birdy Wei-ting Hung for ChthoniC. The video tells the story of an Indigenous girl named Paicu Yatauyungana, who was a victim of the White terror in Taiwan during the 50s. It was a difficult and emotional story to bring to life, and we are proud to have been a part of it.#ChthoniC #musicvideo #Panana #Taiwan #whiteterror導演博德與幸運火花的初次合作,為閃靈樂團睽違五年所推出的單曲『護國山』拍攝MV。影像根據史實,以及精確的場景,凝視著鄒族白色恐怖受難者,高家女性的經歷。身為高一生之女,高菊花的人生活在陰影中,儘管她美妙的歌聲使聽者感到自由,但她轉身下台後,卻必須在無形的牢籠,任人支配擺佈。鮮血隨著她憤恨地反擊,噴濺滿身。無奈的是,這復仇的想像從未能實現。
Check out the new music video we collaborated on with director Birdy Wei-ting Hung for ChthoniC. The video tells the story of an Indigenous girl named Paicu Yatauyungana, who was a victim of the White terror in Taiwan during the 50s. It was a difficult and emotional story to bring to life, and we are proud to have been a part of it.#ChthoniC #musicvideo #Panana #Taiwan #whiteterror導演博德與幸運火花的初次合作,為閃靈樂團睽違五年所推出的單曲護國山拍攝MV。影像根據史實,以及精確的場景,凝視著鄒族白色恐怖受難者高家女性的經歷。身為高一生之女,高菊花的人生活在陰影中,儘管她美妙的歌聲使聽者感到自由,但她轉身下台後,卻必須在無形的牢籠,任人支配擺佈。鮮血隨著她憤恨地反擊,噴濺滿身。無奈的是這復仇的想像從未能實現。
Check out the new music video we collaborated on with director Birdy Wei-ting Hung for ChthoniC. The video tells the story of an Indigenous girl named Paicu Yatauyungana, who was a victim of the White terror in Taiwan during the 50s. It was a difficult and emotional story to bring to life, and we are proud to have been a part of it.#ChthoniC #musicvideo #Panana #Taiwan #whiteterror導演博德與幸運火花的初次合作,為閃靈樂團睽違五年所推出的單曲護國山拍攝MV。影像根據史實,以及精確的場景,凝視著鄒族白色恐怖受難者高家女性的經歷。身為高一生之女,高菊花的人生活在陰影中,儘管她美妙的歌聲使聽者感到自由,但她轉身下台後,卻必須在無形的牢籠,任人支配擺佈。鮮血隨著她憤恨地反擊,噴濺滿身。無奈的是這復仇的想像從未能實現。
This is our first time collabing with director O-Wave.In this new commercial for ASUS, By using smooth camera movements, O-Wave expresses how easy your life could be when your new work buddy is a smooth operator.—與ASUS的最新拍攝,介紹第一台螢幕可折疊,符合各式情況需求的筆電。全新的體驗,由與第一次合作的O-Wave帶來全新的火花。滑順的鏡頭語言,表現出ASUS讓人毫不費力,無縫接軌多種生活情境的愉悅瞬間。
This is our first time collabing with director O-Wave.In this new commercial for ASUS, By using smooth camera movements, O-Wave expresses how easy your life could be when your new work buddy is a smooth operator.—與ASUS的最新拍攝,介紹第一台螢幕可折疊,符合各式情況需求的筆電。全新的體驗,由與第一次合作的O-Wave帶來全新的火花。滑順的鏡頭語言,表現出ASUS讓人毫不費力,無縫接軌多種生活情境的愉悅瞬間。
This is our first time collabing with director O-Wave.In this new commercial for ASUS, By using smooth camera movements, O-Wave expresses how easy your life could be when your new work buddy is a smooth operator.與ASUS的最新拍攝,介紹第一台螢幕可折疊,符合各式情況需求的筆電。全新的體驗,由與第一次合作的O-Wave帶來全新的火花。滑順的鏡頭語言,表現出ASUS讓人毫不費力,無縫接軌多種生活情境的愉悅瞬間。
Check out our latest project with OPPO and Greg Han, directed by Remii Huang, highlighting the excellent night photography feature.LUCKYSPARKS X OPPO X 許光漢三個喜愛的事物融和在一起,讓大家在夜裡都能完全接收許光漢的帥光電波。
Check out our latest project with OPPO and Greg Han, directed by Remii Huang, highlighting the excellent night photography feature.LUCKYSPARKS X OPPO X 許光漢三個喜愛的事物融和在一起,讓大家在夜裡都能完全接收許光漢的帥光電波。
Check out our latest project with OPPO and Greg Han, directed by Remii Huang, highlighting the excellent night photography feature.LUCKYSPARKS X OPPO X 許光漢三個喜愛的事物融和在一起,讓大家在夜裡都能完全接收許光漢的帥光電波。
邱曖 |詹子萱飾水瓶女 |專業除毛技師/性愛Youtuber我行我素,能言善道, 充滿正義感,只做愛不戀愛的曖老師。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
周平克 |柯震東 飾雙子男 |無業看似健談,但內心被動,是個誰都無法束縛的暖男。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
邱宥森 |林哲熹 飾摩羯男 |德州Poker高手高智商,高冷,邱家唯一獨子,覺得約炮容易戀愛難,是位癡情男子漢。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
邱葳 |夏于喬 飾天蠍女 |圖書館行政櫃檯刀子口豆腐心,替人著想的家中大姐,內心深處非常敏感,猜疑,且沒有安全感。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
李嶽 |巫建和 飾牧羊男 | 賭場經理外表典型8+9,刺青,吃檳榔,菸不離手,髒話不離口,骨子裡卻是個浪漫孝順,有義氣的人。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
林世桀 |馬志翔飾處女男 |社會學系教授完美主義的完美女婿,內斂,慢條斯理,忠誠,極度感情潔癖。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
邱葉美枝 |苗可麗 飾巨蟹女 |煮飯超好吃的家管媽媽個性單純,熱情,大方,急性子。視子女如命,視老公如糞土。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
邱正男 | 洪都拉斯 飾水瓶男 | 退休印尼工廠老闆好色,個性有點皮,在家中地位不敵老婆,內心卻有著大男人的肩膀。—We are thrilled to announce the incredible talents in our first limited series, Let's Talk About Chu, a collaboration between @machixcelsiorstudios and @luckysparksfilms , directed by our very own @remiimartinii .Let's Talk About Chu is a Taiwanese dramedy that follows the lives of the Chu family as they deal with their sexual traumas and relationship struggles.When traditional and contemporary value clashes, who is there to pick up the pieces?黃婕妤Remii執導影集首發幸運火花 X 麻吉砥加聯合製作 “愛愛內含光” 卡司發佈啦!愛愛內含光,探討主角邱姓家庭各年齡層的成員,在不想讓家人知道的私生活中,所遇到的性愛創傷與情感問題。新舊世代相遇,對不擅談論”性、愛“的亞洲家庭文化,會造成什麼樣的衝擊?而邱家又要怎麼幫助彼此走過難關呢?讓我們拭目以待!
In the new commercial for Gogoro, Remii @remiimartinii conveys the beauty of female unity by capturing the shiny little moments in life where girls got each other's backs.曾經為了符合一種陽性標準,我們藏起共感的經驗、情緒和每月的苦楚。那樣的時代已經過去了。曾經藏起的細膩心思,拿出來,在日光底下曬曬,蘊含出給予彼此支撐的能量。因爲理解,所以看得見妳的光芒。因為是女人,所以我們,感覺好好。’Cause I’m a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,All you women,and me. — Maya Angelou
In the new commercial for Gogoro, Remii @remiimartinii conveys the beauty of female unity by capturing the shiny little moments in life where girls got each other's backs.曾經為了符合一種陽性標準,我們藏起共感的經驗、情緒和每月的苦楚。那樣的時代已經過去了。曾經藏起的細膩心思,拿出來,在日光底下曬曬,蘊含出給予彼此支撐的能量。因爲理解,所以看得見妳的光芒。因為是女人,所以我們,感覺好好。’Cause I’m a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,All you women,and me. — Maya Angelou
In the new commercial for Gogoro, Remii @remiimartinii conveys the beauty of female unity by capturing the shiny little moments in life where girls got each other's backs.曾經為了符合一種陽性標準,我們藏起共感的經驗、情緒和每月的苦楚。那樣的時代已經過去了。曾經藏起的細膩心思,拿出來,在日光底下曬曬,蘊含出給予彼此支撐的能量。因爲理解,所以看得見妳的光芒。因為是女人,所以我們,感覺好好。’Cause I’m a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,All you women,and me. — Maya Angelou